The story unfolds with unfulfilled love of 2 conservative people in the 70s. Seo In Ha fell in love with Kim Yoon Hee within 3 seconds of setting eyes on her. He had a crush on her and had been secretly painting portraits of her.
One day, he found Yoon Hee's diary after knocking her stuff over.
He started reading her diary and fell even deeper for her.
One rainy day, both of them were seeking shelter at the porch. In Ha went in search for an umbrella and found a broken one. He sheltered Yoon Hee and got himself wet. That's how their affection blossomed.(*Gosh people those days, fall in love because of an umbrella).
Due to fear of being teased, Seo In Ha (Jang Geun Suk) and Kim Yoon Hee (Yoona -Girls Generation)refrain from revealing their true feelings for each other. They dated for a while but were separated because Yoon Hee had TB and she didn't want In Ha to know, so she ran off to US, while In Ha was forced to served in the army because of suspected support for the opposition.
Separation scene in the 70s.
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