Friday 10 May 2013

Well, I think you has a boyfriend but I'm not going to be a jackass destroying people relationship. I may not know what's your name but I bet you will see this. Well bro, she left me long time ago but I still love her no matter what, I just want to let you something. No, I don't mean anything like you're bad in taking care of her but please make sure you take good care of her. Make sure you feed her well, sometimes she may say she's full, but no, just feed her with food during meal times because she often get gastric and it hurts her most, trust me. Ask whether she's eaten already or not. She loves art so much so maybe when you're free maybe during the weekends, bring her to the museums. Yes, to us boys, may be boring place but she loves it! Make her laugh but don't try hard. Download movies, have korean movie with foods together. If you have a PlayStation, let her try play football games. Let her win, it's alright, she'll be happy and have the most evil laughter you can ever heard of. Just spend as much time as you can with her. Look into her eyes and say, she's beautiful with a kiss. Keep asking her how's studies and such, motivate her, encourage her. She's a freaking smart art student. Buy diaries and write to each other and exchange it every weekends. Before you going home, wait at the carpark, wait and look up to her bedroom window until she's there, wave her goodbye. She loves it. Well, just take good care of her alright. May god bless you two. xx

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